18th December 2021 @ 7:30 pm
The Concert Hall, King's College Wimbledon
Wimbledon Common SW19 4TT
Saturday 18th December, 19:30
The Concert Hall, King’s College School
Southside, Wimbledon Common SW19 4TT
Following their sell-out performance of Messiah at St John’s Smith Square in November, in which Kieran sang baritone solos, Platinum Consort and Choristers come to the exquisite Concert Hall of King’s College, Wimbledon, for a special Christmas concert. In this glorious white oak lined hall on Wimbledon Common, Platinum will present Renaissance polyphony, popular carols in exciting arrangements, and Christmas hymns for the audience to sing. Join us as we celebrate a Platinum Christmas.
Tallis Missa Puer natus est (Gloria & Sanctus)
Byrd Lullaby, my sweet little baby
Palestrina Magnificat primi toni
Pärt Magnificat
Scheidt Puer natus in Bethlehem
Flecha Ríu ríu chíu
Arr. Wall Gaudete
Pearsall In dulci jubilo
Joubert Torches
Gjeilo The Coventry Carol
Arr. Wilberg Ding! Dong! Merrily on High
Plus congregational carols for all to join in!